Jason Segel wrote and starred in the hilarious "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," which follows Peter (Segel) attempting to deal with his breakup with Sarah (Kristen Bell). For Peter the breakup was out of the blue and hit him like a ton of bricks, and to try to take his mind off of things, he goes on a vacation. Unfortunately, Sarah, as well as her new boyfriend, are at the same resort as Peter. Peter has to deal with the breakup, while at the same time watching as his ex is with someone else.
The soundtrack for "Forgetting Sarah Marhsall," is nothing extraordinarily special, but the musical number that is most important to me, and the film itself, is Peter's Dracula puppet Musical, including fabulous numbers such as "Dracula's Lamenent," "A Taste for Love," and "We've Got to Do Something."
The story behind the Dracula Musical in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," is that Peter has been working on it for along time. Throughout the film you see the worst of Peter, right after his breakup, while on his vacation as he attempts to deal with the fact that Sarah is dating an international music sensation, and as he falls for Rachel (Mila Kunis) and ends up hurting both of them. The completion of the Dracula Musical shows the viewer that Peter has moved on and evolved out of the relationship with Sarah, something that didn't seem possible at the beginning of the film.
In an interview, Segel revealed that he had previously wrote a Dracula musical with puppets while he was out of work, thinking that it would be what would re-launched his career, and ultimately it sat around for 5 years, only to be used as the climax, and greatest part of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall."
Thursday, March 12, 2009
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